Wind & Solar Power Capacity in Turkiye to Increase by a Whopping 60% over the next five years.

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‘Look after the Enivironment’ – quite a hot topic right now, and one that’s being discussed on an International level with countries being urged to look at their carbon footprints, reduce carbon emissions and invest in green energy. For Turkiye it’s no different, and given their forecast of seeing a 60% increase in it’s renewable energy capacity over the next five years, the country is firmly placed to rank among the Top 10 environmentally-friendly energy Markets in the World.

Already quite the powerhouse when it comes to Green Energy, Wind is actually Turkiye’s second largest renewable source after Hydropower which generates around 31,600 megawatts. Recent reports from the IEA (International Energy Agency) however, forecast a capacity growth in Turkiye to 90 Gigawatts by 2027, of which they would expect 49% to come from Solar Power and 24% to come from Wind Power. Such is the continued effort to invest in more green energy that Global capacity is expected to grow by 2,400 Gigawatts, by the end of 2027.

It’s not just events like the recent Cop27 which are highlighting the need for more Green-Energy, but the recent War in Ukraine has also forced Europe’s hand to become less dependent on Russian Oil & Gas. High prices and lower availability have made Wind & Solar much more attractive.

Faith Birol, who studied the report delivered by the IEA commented that ‘Renewable Energies were already expanding quickly, but the global energy crisis has increased an ever faster wave of growth, resulting in more renewable power over the next 5 years, than there was in the last 20 years.’ Fatih went on to add that ‘It’s a clear example of how the current crises can be a historic turning point for a cleaner & more secure global future’.

It might surprise you, but China, the USA & India are currently leading the way in developing & implementing the renewable technology, with China actually expected to account for nearly half of the total growth over the next five years.

By 2025 renewables will have overtaken coal as the largest producer of global electricity of which Solar power capacity will most likely triple, wind power capacity will double and by the end of 2027 biofuel demand will have increased by approx. 22%.

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