The ‘Turkish Togg’ is Finally Revealed to the World

  • 2 years ago
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No, it’s not a new Turkish species that been found in the depths of the Turkish countryside, it is in-fact Turkiye’s first ever domestically produced Automobile which already has fulfilled a large interest book both from home and from abroad.

Driving onto the stage in the newly released Togg, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan commented that he has already placed two orders for himself and will buy toy versions of the car which can be distributed as gifts to children.

The car is due to hit the road in March 2023, with Pre-Orders being taken from mid-February onwards, and many citizens of Turkiye have already expressed that they will sell their cars on second hand platforms in order to be able to afford a ‘Togg’ and support the domestically produced vehicle.

One of the key aims for 2023, is to ensure the accessibility of the car for everyone, hence why the Ministry of Treasury and Finance has already got involved, speaking with public banks to ensure they can provide the necessary support.

The first car that Togg have produced is a C-SUV, but with other models due to hit the floor soon, like the C-Sedan and C-X Coupe it should be a good year ahead for the new company and for it’s investors.

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