Have you spotted Dolphins on your recent boat trip

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New species of Dolphins in Turkey

A new species of Dolphins, spotted in Turkish Waters, in the Black Sea, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean waters.

The species “rough-toothed Dolphins” love deep water, in warm environments, reported the  Marine mammal Research Association (DMAD). The report was led by founder of DMAD Leyla Israpilova.

DMAD is also monitoring sperm whales, beaked whales and striped dolphins, and also the Mediterranean monk seal, a species which appears to be vanishing from Turkish waters.

The discovery of the new species of Dolphin is a reminder of how important it is to protect Turkish waters, as the discovery plays a critical role in the ecosystem for endangered species.

A close concern is the threat posed by ship traffic, underwater noise and over fishing.

It is everyone’s duty to preserve the waters, and the country’s coastal areas by supporting conservation efforts, and all efforts will be made to educate on conservation efforts needed.

Source: Daily Sabah / Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash

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