
As Turkey continues to be a popular destination for UK investor’s and properties still remain at affordable prices, now is a good time to look at the mortgages available. At Turkish Connextions we can get you the best deals possible due to our close working connection with the leading Turkish Banks.

Mortgage Facts

Minimum Amount: GBP 250,000.00

Maximum Amount: GBP 700,000.00 (Anything above will require Head Office approval)

Max Term: 15 Years

LTV: 50%

Interest Rate: 7.75% (Subject to credit reports and evaluation)

Taking out a Turkish mortgage is very popular and figures are increasing, the market is developing and it is becoming competitive which is a good thing for the investor. Mortgages for foreigners only came in to play in 2007 in Turkey. The availability is generally good and foreigners are asked to give proof of wage slips etc. as one would in the UK for example. With this in mind lenders still prefer to shorter lending terms therefore 10 years is considered the norm.

Another bonus is the lender carries out legal checks on the property and arranges a valuation. Mortgages for foreigners are usually in Sterling or Euro and this is advisable for an overseas mortgage to avoid any exchange rate issues as we are all aware the market fluctuates.

As in the UK, market place products are changing continually, to request a live quotation, just let us know the amount you wish to borrow and the length of time you wish to take this over, email us at [email protected]

Information and quotations, on mortgages will be supplied by one of the leading lenders in Turkey. Contact us today for further information.

Other Options for Funding, you may not of thought of:

Can arrange lending on UK property that you are KEEPING, whether it is a Buy to let, or your own
residential property.
Can arrange raising funds from your residential home in a number of ways, especially if you are
continuing to live in the UK and use as a base.
Did you know that we can arrange to raise funds from any buy to lets you own up to a maximum of 80%
up to 95% on your own residential property?
Lifetime Mortgages (aged 55 and above to qualify) you can release between 30% – 60% of the value of
your UK property depending on your age. You have the option to either make monthly payments to
keep the balance of the mortgage low or have the interest added monthly (i.e. rolled up) with full
payment of the Mortgage paid on either death or you being taken into care.
Working in conjunction with our partners, who are a fully registered company here in the uk, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Please email us if you wish to put in touch with our partners then you can speak to them in more depth, [email protected]

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