Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition has opened in Kusadasi

  • 6 years ago
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The work of famous Renaissance painter Leonardo Da Vinci is being displayed in an exhibition in Kusadasi’s Okuz Mehmet Pasha Caravanserai through the Summer.

You will be able to see on display 28 handcrafts, sketches of architecture, engineering and anatomy, plus you will also be able to see combat machines, a lathe machine and the first ever water ski.

The first exhibition featured artworks of his original manuscripts, paintings, drawings and mechanic devices. The exhibition was titled “Leonardo Da Vinci Expo: A Genius in Istanbul” after Da Vinci’s meeting with Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II in Istanbul in the 16th century where he was asked to draw a bridge which would connect the two sides of the Golden Horn. The drawing was to be shown to the sultan, it was then found years later in archives.

The exhibition was first held in Belgium, then went onto Istanbul and then followed by Izmir.

The exhibition opened 21st June and will end 1st September.

Source: Voices Newspaper

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