Kusadasi – A Divers Paradise

  • 4 years ago
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If you are a keen scuba diver or if you are keen on trying it for the first time, then one of the best places in Turkey to do this is Kusadasi as it offers a whole host of underwater treasures that keep people coming back to its crystal blue waters every year.

Not only are there beautiful reefs teeming with a variety of different fish & Sea Life but there’s also wrecks, caverns & caves that are ready to be explored. You are of course more than welcome to go out individually, but to get the full experience it’s recommended to join up with one of the many diving centres along the coast who know the area and can take you to the best spots around.

One of the key attractions here is the Airbus A300 plane that was de-commissioned, and deliberately sunk off the coast in 2016 to attract more people to the area and provide an artificial reef for underwater flora, fauna and other wildlife. The process took around 2 hours, and the plane has a wingspan of 44m along with a length of 54m, so there’s lots to investigate and take in. Who knows, maybe you’ll even see Nemo at the controls, trying to find his way home!

Kusadasi is in a unique position given it’s mild weather which allows for diving pretty much all year round, and whilst you are here, you can also take advantage of the historical and natural beauty above ground too.

Ali Kotan who is a member of the Kusadasi City Council recently commented that ‘Kusadasi is a safe place for anyone keen on diving between the ages of seven and seventy, and it’s not only important because of its cultural aspects but also its natural riches’. He went on to add that the sunken plane is where wildlife is now proliferating, and it’s a must-see place.

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