Filming Begins on the Treasures of Turkey Documentary

  • 3 years ago
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The Arslantepe Mound is approximately 15km south of the Euphrates River and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a site of the highest historical interest with a history that dates between the 6th millennium BCE right up to Medieval times. Recent archaeological discoveries have revealed a huge array of artefacts, weapons and drawings, suggesting that the site was a major trading station, militarily fortified and a significant residential settlement.

As the Site was only recently added to the UNESCO Heritage list (back in 2021), a lot of promotional work is going into the area, to highlight the archaeological discoveries & attract tourists, and part of this work will include a documentary which is being filmed by British Historian, Writer and Broadcaster Bettany Mary Hughes, in connection with both the team at Arslantepe and Sandstone Global.

The documentary, which will be broadcast on both the BBC & Channel 4 in late Autumn is entitled ‘The Treasures of Turkey’ and will also focus on other key sites in the surrounding area including Mount Nemrut, Sanliurfa, Gobeklitepe, Karahantepe, and Gaziantep’s Zeugma museum.

Filming has already started, and the first day back in April took in the mound, the surrounding plain and the River.

Image courtesy of UNESCO World Heritage:

UNESCO World Heritage

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