The International Airport to The City Centre – By Metro!

Over the last few months and years there has been a big push on increased infrastructure to meet the growing demand for improved travel options across Turkey, and recently work has started on a new metro line, from the International Airport to Istanbul. With the new line due to start accepting passengers from April 2021, there are currently 4,500 people working on the construction, with the...

Move Out to Move In

It might be coming to the end of the traditional ‘tourist’ season in Turkey, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that things are ‘shutting shop’ in the coastal towns, as researching is showing that not only are many people with holiday homes staying, but also, more and more residents from the large cities from Istanbul, are also heading down to stay over the winter too. As more and more companies...

Turkey’s $15bn Tourism Prediction

$15bn USD I hear you say? Really? Yes, really! That is the predicted figure that tourism could still contribute to the economy in Turkey by the end of 2020, even with the Coronavirus pandemic hindering the pre-crisis target of 60 million visitors this year. A combination of stricter safety measures being implemented, and social distancing rules being adhered to has meant that International traveller...

Turkish Airline Cargo Increases by 67%

We all need positive signs of growth in these precarious times, and that, for Turkey, comes in the form of it’s Air Cargo division of Turkish Airlines, which in the first half of 2020 grew by 67%, and increased its market share by 1.5%. Onur Okutur, the Turkey Director of Kearney, the global management consultancy who carried out the research of global air carrier businesses mentioned that ‘with the...

Super Yacht Sightings in Bodrum

Bodrum is well known for it's luxurious yacht sightings and last week was no different as we saw the 'Al Salamah', the 'Sunrays' and the 'Eclipse' in it's waters. The 'Al Salamah' is owned by King Bin Salma of Saudi Arabia, and with an estimated value of $200m, it boasts a cinema, library, business centre, fully equipped hospital, gymnasium and a spa. The 'Sunrays' next to it, is owned by two Indian...

Turkey Releases The First of It’s Financial Statements

Just when we thought we might start getting a little quieter here, as the normal season starts to come to an end, it’s full steam ahead as September is generally the month when Turkey releases its export and monthly inflation data. This time however, there’s more of an up surge in interest and they will also start to lay the foundations for the economic program of recovery from Covid-19. Starting with...

Turkey’s Techonology Sector is Booming!

In a major move for the country, both economically and globally, Turkey recently opened one of the largest-scale business complexes in the world, which contains a huge technology laboratory and 40 factories. The project, which was officially unveiled by Erdogan at the Turkish Employer’s Association of Metal Industries, already adds to the 85 tech labs and 1607 research and design labs the country...

320 billion Cubic Metres of Natural Gas Discovered by Erdogan’s Turkey

Turkish vessels started the search for Natural Gas sites early in July of this year and as a result of making it’s biggest ever discovery of 320 billion cubic metres at a deep sea site, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed that only will the search be stepped up for more, but that he also expects the first consumers of this natural gas to start in 2023. It’s a huge find and could reap massive economic...

Turkey’s Going Paperless in Real Estate

Turkey, like many other countries have been under immense global pressure to do more about caring for the environment, and so hopefully by the end of 2021, property purchases and real estate deals will no longer be relying on ‘paper transactions’ and ‘paper title deeds’ to complete the process. Advancements in technology such as digital signatures and the fact that currently all title deeds and...

Turkey – The Choice is Yours

So you’ve decided that Turkey is the place for you, and that’s great news, so firstly welcome to this beautiful country, we hope you have a long and prosperous life here, but with so many towns and cities each of which have their own unique charm and reasons for living there, where do you settle? Well, it really depends on what you class yourself as, but let’s start with Istanbul - a place that many...

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