Baby sea turtles hatch at the beach on the Aegean Coast

  • 6 years ago
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A batch of baby sea turtles have hatched on Iztuzu Beach in Turkey’s Mugla province on the 24th July. This particular beach is a popular nesting area for this endangered species. After hatching the baby loggerheads crawled off into the sea.

The head of the Mugla based Sea Turtle Research, Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, Yakup Kaska has stated that the beach is shared by both turtles and tourists. The beach can be used by tourists between the hours of 8am till 8pm. The beach can not be used after 9pm due to the turtles nesting in the night time. The nests are caged off by the wildlife workers to protect them from tourists and are checked by Officers through the night till sunrise.

There are 21 Caretta Caretta nesting spots around the provinces of the Aegean, Mugla and the Mediterranean. The turtles build themselves a 20 – 24 inch deep nest and after about a 45 – 65 day incubation period the baby turtles head for the sea.

It has been reported that Caretta Carettas have also began hatching on Cirali beach in Antalya. The governor of the Kemer district Huseyin Karamese has stated that around 85 baby turtles have hatched.

Source: Turkish Daily News

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