As the weather heats up, it’s Ice Cream Time!!

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As the weather heats up it's Ice Cream Time

Let’s take a look at Turkeys top 10 most loved ice cream flavours

Bal Badem

After a survey was taken within the Aegean district of Turkey, it revealed that Bal Badem, which in English means honey almond, is actually the Turks favourite flavour. This ice cream is rich and creamy and consists of honey and chopped up pieces of almond brittle.


The Kaymak ice cream, which means clotted cream, is like a traditional vanilla flavour ice cream and is actually the original ice cream flavour in Turkey.   

Damla Sakizi

This is another much loved ice cream consisting of a white and creamy texture, much like the kaymak ice cream, yet the flavour is much stronger and richer.   


This ice cream is perfect for any lovers of chocolate. This ice cream is just a rich, creamy and plain chocolate treat.


Another favourite in Turkey is this delicious creamy, golden caramel flavour.   


Besides the more traditional and obvious ice cream flavours, Turkey also offer some ice creams offering fresh fruit flavours like Kavun which translated means melon.  Other fruity ice cream flavours include orange, peach, banana and apricot.

Antep Fistigi

This particular ice cream is green in colour with many mistaking it for mint flavour when in fact it is a yummy pistachio flavoured ice cream, a popular sweet and nutty treat the Turkish enjoy.  


You will be able to find this popular and much loved ice cream flavour at any ice cream stand or parlour in Turkey and that is the black cherry flavour. Another favourite in Turkey.


Another fruity tasting ice cream is Limon, which means lemon, a tangy, fruity, refreshing cool treat perfect to enjoy in summer.


The Cilek flavour ice cream, which means strawberry, is a very popular choice, but there are also a variety of berry flavoured ice creams like blackberry, raspberry and even mulberry on offer at ice cream stands all over.

Source: DailySabah

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