Antalya Leads the Post Covid Recovery with 7.7m Tourists between January & August 2022

  • 2 years ago
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Antalya has long been considered Turkiye’s Mediterranean Paradise so its really no surprise that it’s leading the post covid recovery, welcoming just over 7.7m tourists to its shores between the 1st January and the 5th August 2022. Move forward a few weeks to the beginning of October, and that figure has already reached 8.5m, close to the figure of 9m that visited in the whole of 2021.

Hotels in August and September were pretty much at full capacity, and with around 80-90,000 people arriving to the resorts per day, it was difficult to find any accommodation left for those that hadn’t pre-booked. Germany, the UK, Russia & Ukrainian passengers all helped contribute to the high numbers, with around $37bn expected in revenue between January and July alone. Erkhan Yagci, is chairman of the Mediterranean Touristic Hotelliers and Investors association, and he was pleased to see European’s return, especially within the UK. He commented that ‘This year, the British Market has made a significant comeback, and it’s well on the way to becoming a source market, which is important for us’. Between January and July, 2.99m visitors were from Germany, Russian visitors hit 2.2m and British visitors numbered 1.8m.

The 7.7m visitors between January and August was an increase of 91% when compared to the same period in 2021, when the numbers only reached 3.7m tourists.

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