2022 has been a very popular year for Turkey

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WTM London has recently revealed that 2.8 million British tourists visited Turkey in the first 9 months of this year. This figure has already exceeded Turkey’s original target for 2022 of 2.5 million tourists.

Turkey’s minister of culture and tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy stated that “Going into 2022, we already had great confidence in the UK market. These numbers not only typify the importance of the UK to Turkey but highlight our country’s appeal as a year-round destination for British visitors.”

The prediction is that that 2022 figures would finish slightly above figures seen back in 2019, which was Turkey’s previous record year for British holiday makers. Turkey has now set a new target for 2022 visitors from 47 million to 50 million worldwide.

Minister Ersoy will be presenting a look into what 2023 tourism could be like during the WTM London. There will also be a number of Turkey’s top tourist campaigns shown at its WTM stand, plus over 60 Turkish tourism companies and organisations are going to be represented.

Source: ttgmedia

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